Our Last Florida Winter? 2023/2024

It has been a while since we updated the blog, the last update being the loss of our cats in Tennessee.  It is time to renew the effort of documenting our travels so that we will have a permanent recollection when we need it later. We returned for another predictable, but our last, season at Winter Garden RV Resort for three months. We celebrated our 25th year wedding anniversary in January! Since we were petless we both could fly home in January and we had visitors from the East Coast join us for some time with the mouse. Continue reading Our Last Florida Winter? 2023/2024

Another Cool Winter at Winter Garden

We have grown to enjoy the Winter Garden area on the Northwest side of Orlando, Florida. We finally address the issues with the Jeep with a local mechanic. As always we are blessed with the lifestyle. We were even more blessed this year with visits from friends and family who escaped the exceptionally cold and snowy Wisconsin winter this year, as well as Oma spent an extended stay in Minnesota with our family there. Continue reading Another Cool Winter at Winter Garden