Happy RVnniversary
Jason fulfills his time for the year on-site at the university, we celebrate our 1st RVAnniversary and now we get out of dodge for the winter. Continue reading Happy RVnniversary
Jason fulfills his time for the year on-site at the university, we celebrate our 1st RVAnniversary and now we get out of dodge for the winter. Continue reading Happy RVnniversary
We found out that Wisconsin Dells is one of the worst places to live. All of the tourists are grumpy and sunburned overwhelming what is actually a pretty small town. Continue reading Cheese!!!!
We start moving again with a weekend away from River Falls Continue reading Back on the Road Again
More record weather follows us to Wisconsin Continue reading April Snow, Brings May Flowers?
From the green acres of Missouri to the frigid depths of snow in Wisconsin! Welcome back! Continue reading April Fools on You!
Like Punxsutawney Phil, our truck seems to retreat back to the dealer every time it sees it shadow! Continue reading Ground Hog Day
Well, we are already not making our schedule as our truck sits warm and snug out of the winter weather in the dealer’s garage torn apart. A week ago this started with a clunk from underneath and flashing lights on the dash. We were blessed in that the whole incident unfolded near a home of a fellow church family. Our Good Sam Club RV Roadside … Continue reading Off Like a Herd of Turtles
We failed to meet our goal of being south of the snow line this year! October 27th and in River Falls, Wisconsin, there is measurable snow on the ground and it is getting deeper. The RV is doing well with the mild temperatures in the mid and lower 30’s. Our electric heat works fine most of the time but the LP gas furnace occasionally kicks … Continue reading Failure!
Jason returned to the physical office past week and in just a few weeks we will be headed out again. We have landed into Hoffman Park in River Falls, Wisconsin, for at least until October 15. We hope to be here, if the park doesn’t close early, until November 1 and then make our journey South. We have lots to do yet in the RV … Continue reading Fall Seems to be Coming
September 30, 2017 In Michigan there are about 27 billion trees and it seems like we have seen every single one of them this week! After a while they begin to look the same, even though we purposefully tried to avoid the same route back across the U.P. so we would not see the same trees twice. The cats are really adapting to the travel … Continue reading Are You Sure We Didn’t See That Tree Before?